A few days back, i received a message from an anonymous. Not those random message you get from anonymous guys asking for numbers and stuff but a girl.
So what an anonymous girls wants from you??
The title went like this:
Sell Your Ladies eggs--extra money.
Hmm.... i gave a long thought........
I thought girls give birth? since when they lay eggs ?
or was it spelling mistakes? sell your ladies legs perhaps?
Since when there's such business?
or maybe they are hiring girls to help them sell chicken eggs...
So, out of curiosity i opened the message and this is what it's all about:
We are looking for young ladies of any race, between the ages of 18 and 32 to help childless couples by becoming an egg donor. (O_o)''
For Ladies and Non-Muslim only..
Chinese/others get : RM3500.
Caucasion get : RM4500-RM5000.
For guys..you can ask your girl friends
if they are interested to sell.
Anybody interested,email your photos
(full body&face) and your profile.
eg;name,age,race,hp number,address,
height,weight,body statistic,blood
type,hair&eyes&skin color,where&what
you study&working,hobbies,etc...
Its safe and easy.. Well known clinic in damansara,KL and Johor. As we all knows, ladies eggs are produced and dropped every month. So it's better to sell them than get nothing out of it. You can sell your eggs up to six times and still can get pregnant after that.
Interested? or Any questions :
reply at friendster or
email- dearhoney_bu82@yahoo.com
they are asking people to sell ovums leh!! not chicken eggs!
WAHAHAHAHAHA i couldn't stop laughing after reading!
They actually wrote "For guys..you can ask your girl friends
if they are interested to sell"
Wahlaoeh...just inmagine one day your guy friend come to you and start asking you " eh, X. you wanna sell eggs or not?" I'll die laughing.
and how stupid! they wrote for ladies and non muslims only. Of course ladies la! which guys actually produce ovums you tell me?
and "it's better to sell them than to get nothing out of it"
what a good slogan mann...
So, next time you go tell your friends " eh, why you keep money in the bank? it's better to use it than get nothing out of it in the bank!"
The Coffee Girl
11 years ago
=D this is funny... lol
and they are racist too.. how come caucasians get more than chinese?
Caucasian eggs produce better "chicks" i guess. *swt*
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