I just got back from Bali 2 weeks back and have been buzzing like a bee. Birthday celebrations alone in June and early July is enough to keep me busy and broke.
Over the last weekend, i was at the International Jewellery Fair in KL Convention Center working for the 2nd time for a Hong Kong company.... making some good money for the 2 and a half day job. Enough to recover from my temporary financial crisis. I even got myself a swarovski crystal pen. I love the fact that the pen blings. (Please dont steal my pen arh)
Anyway, i considered myself pretty lucky recently.
Just when i needed some extra cash, i have gotten myself a weekend job... and now that i'm awaiting my convocation and further interviews, i was just offered a 1 month contract job.. which pays really well too. ; )
If i do get the job (will know by evening today), i'll be starting as soon as tomorrow.
But nothing is sure for now as negotiation for me to take leaves to attend some major interviews is still in progress. If they dont allow me to take leaves for interview, then it's just too bad. They just can't have me *hmmph* inset proud face* ... haha
I dont know why... but i really dont feel like working any sooner. I guess i've been bitten by a lazy-bug or something. Life's really great just lazing around, shopping and hanging out everyday. I think i can go jobless like this forever if noone's giving me any pressure.
Mum's really paranoid about it. She cant stand me going out everyday already and is giving me this aura like she's gonna kill me soon.
Her occasional favorite line "I'll see how long you can survive, going out like this everyday! See what happens when you finish your money!"
And friends. OMG. Everyone's talking about employment and job.
I dont understand the need to rush into something by comparing with your peers. Its not a race or a matter of who's getting a job first. I think ultimately... it's about getting a job you really want at the end of the day. You know, the right job with the right pay.
First job really matters to me.
So, what if im unemployed?
I'm enjoying every single bit of it.
yea~im agree with u~!the right job with the right pay..
im enjoying my unemployed life now as well~~
yes! something we won't regret at the end of the day!
glad you're enjoying your life now too... =) hope to see u soon!
Hey girl, nvr be pressured into doing something, in this case - to further studies or land yourself a job.
Try to make a job, more than a job. Simply saying "YES" to any job offers that come your way is definitely not the right thing to do. We'll eventually regret it if we ended up somewhere we don't like, or worse, stuck doing something you don't like day-in, day-out.
So my advice, take your time and think it over. Haha, myself took about 7 months off dy. That's y I chose to work/volunteer my service @ Skytrex while I work out my 'mind' on what I really wanna do in the future.
If all goes well, I should be starting my new job, in a field related to my studies in September. So in total, that would be 9 months of so-called "doing nothing". Let ppl think what they wanna think so long u know it's the right thing to do yea, girl :)
Don't think of it as time-wasting and try convincing ur mom about it too. I have been trying to convince mine too. Totally understand your situation. Hehhee.
K, i've started to sound more naggy so i guess i should stop here :)Byez and take care.
Oh yeah, is May Szin here :)
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