Monday, June 15, 2009

Post sangat Laju

I woke up exceptionally early today at 12pm (yea,thats early considering my timing has gone upside down) to run some errands i've been delaying.

I needed to get to the bank to get some cash out for my Bali trip, then to another bank to do some transactions, get my roadtax paid, get a gift card and box for Randy's gift and ultimately i need to get to the post office to send the present off by today.
His birthday is tomorrow. Heh.
(Wat? Not late wat.. i sent it off by his birthday ok and hey, i believe in miracle ok! and we should always be positive)

Anyway, i dont deal much with the post office except for buying stamps and sending off cards and letters back in the school days.. so i have no idea at all how to go about sending items abroad, not to mention the rates.

When i told the lady at the post office i wanted to send a gift over to australia, she just took my gift along with the card and stuffed them down an brown A4 envelope. This feel so not right.
I thought i could get a nice parcel box but no. she put my gift in a regular envelope and sealed it with glue.

She then proceed to ask if i wanted to use Post Laju (she said it will reach faster it seems)
So i asked for the rates.

She weigh the items and then casually said "ninety"
I was like "NINETY?!?"
"Yes, ninety.. sembilan puluh. Sampai dalam masa 3-5 hari"
Trying to act calm, i asked "What if its the normal one?"
She look away and pressed some buttons on the weighing machine then looked back at me
"Tujuh ringgit, sampai dalam masa 7-10 hari"
"If i have it registered? how much?"
"another 3.90. Jadi total RM10.90"
"ok.. i take this"

This if friggin ridiculous?!! 90 bucks for a freaking less than 500g mail to australia?
And how can the price difference be so damn big with just a few days difference?
Are they like booking a seat for my items in the plane to australia?
Blood sucking poslaju!

Wtf. I send another few items i can send myself to Australia in air asia already.

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