Damn freaking freee.
My days now are spent with complete random outings.
I've also totally lost count on day and dates.
Like today. I thought it was saturday cause mum's at home... and yacking with her friend in the living room when i woke up.
It was only until past noon, i realised it's thursday and mum's actually on leave -___-
I've been hearing alot of good reviews about the ambience and setting of the Old Town at Univeristi, and i finally went there on monday night (i think it was monday la.. i lost count of dates). It was also Koku's bday.
It was nice but i felt that the service wasn't that good and there were very little seats available albeit the huge space.
But i still think i'll be back there soon. =D
*I wore my RM25 dress finally, like after keeping it a gazilion years.
Speaking of that, i think its about time i stock up some clothes again...*cough cough*
Hopefully when i'm done with the career fair tomorrow at PWTC, i can head over to Time Square for some clothes hunt. Huhuhuhu.. YEA, if you dont already know, i am a cheapskate shopper now.
I've also made my first purchase online recently! wOOhOOOo... breakthrough!!
I know alot of people have been shopping online and i'm kinda late. But i dont know why, i still prefer the classical way of shopping. Hunting down good bargains, browsing, feeling and trying on clothes.
Back to tomorrow. Yea. i'll be going PWTC for career fair with some friends and probably be meeting up with the guys at night for a movie and a drink.
I still havent watch Xmen!!
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