Friday, January 14, 2011

Belated New Year

Two and a half month past new year and a quarter of year since i last updated.
Its been a long time and long way to where and who i am today.

Some things worth noting for the past one year;
  1. Friends come and go while true ones withstand the test of time. But some, no matter how much of time.. they'll never change.
  2. Joined the singles' club while best friend of mine left the club and got herself a special someone.
  3. Conquered 2 island and survived Outward Bound. (This itself deserve a post of its own but knowing me,it'll be forever)
  4. Realized i'm capable of many things i thought i couldn't do.
  5. Male and their egos is like Mc Value Lunch. It comes in a set.
  6. Air Asia is addictive. So is ASOS.
  7. Still wondering what triggered her major acne breakout in mid October.
  8. is still learning to deal with disappointments...
  9. ... or not to have expectations.
  10. ......................................

To be continued...

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